Join Bylaws Information Meeting!
Come learn about the important updates to our bylaws and how to cast your vote.
Join us via Zoom on January 27 at 7pm to get the details, ask questions, and make your voice heard.
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 377 715 3488
Passcode: IVFC
Bylaws Amendment Vote
What are the bylaws?
A cooperative’s bylaws are the agreement between its owners, detailing how the co-op will be run.
Co-ops are organized by 3 levels of documents: Articles of Incorporation, bylaws, and policies & protocols.
The Articles of Incorporation are the formal outline of how the co-op will be organized. Registered with the state of California, it gives the co-op legal existence and defines its purpose and ownership share structure.
Our Articles of Incorporation were originally filed in 1973, then restated in 1980, and then again in 2019. Each time to clarify the exact structure of the co-op in line with CA law. All amendments to the Articles of Incorporation require owner approval.
In accordance with the Articles of Incorporations, co-op bylaws contain more detailed information about how the co-op shall be run and maintained. It an operating manual for the co-op, specifying rights and responsibilities of owners and how they interact with each other and the cooperative. Much of this is mandated by cooperative law. Any substantive amendments to the bylaws require approval of the owners. [IVFC bylaws section 14.1]
Subsequent to the bylaws, the operational protocols and governance policies fill in the finer details of how we do our work. These are under the purview of the co-op’s Board, or General Manager, or both.
Why do the IVFC bylaws need to be amended?
Our co-ops bylaws have not been updated since 2010. Current bylaws are missing many important sections and require additional updates that have come into law since that time. Over the last few years, your Board has been working on updating the IVFC bylaws to ensure they are:
- in accordance with current law
- in concert with how the co-op operates
- easier to read and review
! The proposed 2024 version of the IVFC bylaws can be found —> here !
How do I get information about the proposed changes?
The Board has prepared a full comparison between the current and proposed bylaws that can be downloaded —> here.
Additionally, the Board will be hosting informational meetings in December and January to further explain the changes and necessity of this amendment vote.
How do I vote on amending the bylaws?
Voting begins at the November 16, 2024 Annual Owner meeting and runs until January 31, 2025.
Voting is through our secure survey site at:
What would happen if the proposed bylaws were not amended?
These changes are crucial to the ongoing work of the co-op. The Board recommends that the ownership pass the amended bylaws in order to secure smooth operations and accordance with legal requirements.
Please vote today and encourage your fellow owners to vote as well!