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How to Search, Filter, and Sort the Catalog

The Isla Vista Food Co-op Special Orders Catalog contains over 30,000 products from our primary distributor United Natural Foods (UNFI). This guide will show you how to find the items you are looking for within this large selection of products. 

Table of Contents



Searching the Catalog

If you know exactly what you are looking for, the quickest way to find a product is to search for its 12-digit barcode UPC or the item's brand.

  1. Click "Edit" at the top of the catalog

    • If on mobile, click the three dots in the upper right hand corner

  2. Click "Find & Replace"

  3. Type what you are searching for into the "Find" field 

  4. Click "Find"

If the product is in the catalog, you will be immediately taken to that item. If the product is not in the catalog, the Find & Replace window will display “There are no entries matching (your search)” above the find button.


  1. Press CTRL + F on Windows or Command + F on Mac 

  2. Type what you are searching for into the "Find in Sheet Field" at the top right of the page

Tip: Some products have different UPCs for the individual item and the multi-item case. For example, LaCroix cans and 8-packs have different UPCs. These products may not show up in a search since only one UPC is listed per product. If you can't find an item by searching for the UPC, try searching for the brand instead.

GIF of how to search the Isla Vista Food Co-op Special Orders Catalog


Filtering and Sorting
the Catalog

If you want to see every product available from a certain brand, compare prices of a specific type of item, or create a version of the catalog that only contains products with particular attributes such as organic or vegan, filtering and sorting is the way to go.



Creating a Filter View

The first step that must be completed before filtering or sorting the catalog is creating a Filter View. A Filter View is a temporary filter allows anyone viewing the catalog to filter or sort products without permanently modifying the catalog.

  1. Click the "Data" dropdown menu

  2. Hover over "Filter Views"

  3. Select "Create New Temporary Filter View”

The catalog will now be filterable and sortable.

GIF of how to create a filter view for the Isla Vista Food Co-op Special Orders Catalog


General Filtering

  1. Create a Filter View

  2. Click the inverted pyramid icon next to the column header of the column you want to filter

  3. Click the "Filter by Condition" dropdown menu

  4. Click the dropdown menu that currently displays "None"

  5. Select "Text contains"

  6. Enter your search term

  7. Click “Ok"

The catalog will now only display items that contain the search term in that column. To remove a filter set the “Filter by Condition” to “None”.

Tip: It is most effective to use broad search terms. If you are looking for "organic canned garbanzo beans” it is most effective to search for "garbanzo" and use the other filtering methods to narrow down your search.



Sorting Alphabetically or
By Price

  1. Create a Filter View

  2. Click on the inverted pyramid icon next to the column header of the column you want to sort

  3. Select either "Sort A→Z" or "Sort Z→A”

The catalog will now be sorted alphabetically or by price in ascending or descending order.

Tip: A→Z will sort numbers low to high and Z→A will sort numbers high to low

GIF of how to sort the Isla Vista Food Co-op Special Orders Catalog by Price


Filtering by Department

  1. Create a Filter View

  2. Click on the inverted pyramid icon next to the "Department" column header

  3. Click “Clear" to remove all selected departments

  4. Select the departments you want to include in your filter

  5. Click “Ok"

The catalog will now only show items from the selected departments.

GIF of how to filter the Isla Vista Food Co-op Special Orders Catalog by Department


Filtering by Category

  1. Create a Filter View

  2. Click on the inverted pyramid icon next to the "Category" column header

  3. Click “Clear" to clear all selected categories

  4. Select the categories you want to include in your filter

  5. Click “Ok"

The catalog will now only show items from the selected categories.

Tip: Item descriptions sometimes do not contain certain key search terms. For example, many yogurt products do not have the word "yogurt" in their item description, however their category is “Yogurt”. If you cannot find products you would expect to see when filtering by item description, try filtering by category.

GIF of how to filter the Isla Vista Food Co-op Special Orders Catalog by Category


Filtering by Attribute

  1. Create a Filter View

  2. Click on the inverted pyramid icon next to the attribute column header you want to filter

  3. Deselect "(Blanks)" to hide all items that do not possess that attribute

  4. Click "Ok"

  5. Repeat for additional attributes

The catalog will now only show items that possess the selected attributes.

GIF of how to filter the Isla Vista Food Co-op Special Orders Catalog by Attribute


If you have any further questions, please call us at (805) 968-1401 or email us through our Contact Us page!

Thank you!